Saturday, July 22, 2006

Puzzled? You know I am! Saturday Night Post 3

Hmm so this is what the puzzle's hiding.... nice.


Blogger xmozzazx said...

Excellent work! I really thought you would be longer finishing. Could you tell me if the picture on the back differs from the ones we have already seen, or is it the same? It is hard to see for sure in your pictures and as much as I would love to get my hands on a puzzle like that for myself, I doubt I will find one for a long time.

9:54 PM  
Blogger Apex Zombie said...

Hey man, do you have a tripod?
If you do, set your camera to a longtime exposure, put it on your tripod, and set it to look down on puzzle. If you don't have a tripod, if possible, hang the puzzle up on a wall or something, and place the camera on a stable structure aimed at the puzzle, and again set the camera to do a long exposure. This lets more of the light in, so hopefully the glow in the dark will be more noticable.

Anywho, nice work so far.

10:03 PM  
Blogger tapdawg said...

yeah it is the blast door map... only part of it... the bottom left portion of it. and it has coding on it too... but i dont know from what.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, so here is what I am thinking....remember me, I think out is the blast door map...only a quarter of it. There are four puzzles so you will gt the whole map when you BUY all four puzzles. (they so want youto buy stuff!) but, you said there are codes on it? Can you give a hint as to what you can see, the pics do not show them.

6:29 PM  
Blogger tapdawg said...

some of this is messed up as it was dark and hard to read... i think i corrected myself on TLEC boards about what it exactly said...

8:11 AM  
Blogger tapdawg said...

sorry that waqs too long... just combined those two together

8:11 AM  

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